
Avatar for Chromemagnum

Home: Wiksik
Been on the island since 2023-04-09
Died: 140 times (last time was 2024-10-22 02:35, killed by a elephant)
Level: 35
Class: Warrior (native)
Primary Clan: Cyclepathick
Secondary Clan: Trip The Light Fantastic


An array of poison darts for thorns fired from a plethora of bladelike leaf fronds. Harvested and replanted bloodrootseed from Rakmogak gifted to Wiksik, at least that's story for now. At first, the thing looks only made for killing, with all the calm cool un/caring of a low beast or efficient machine. Appearances deceive. Always accepting volunteers. Be at peace. Be safe.


Past!: Taught how to Warrior by Scorponok and Waspinator, but learned the most from Bloodgeon. Misses the days of Karzarak. Plays a flute gotten from Psychoyote and a drum from Darkarnivore proficiently, as well as a skullstaff rattle from Skullpion. Plasmecha has revealed to us the location of the heavy swords.

"Since my Last move/s", I Read like the Morning News.[coffee.gif]Who killed Me, who Do I Gotta kill Back. Coffee takes awhile to kick in, homicide is still very much an option.

Present!:Since my last move/s: A parrot squawks "thers a treasure tne north of fort breton!" (2023-06-05 15:53) I don't trust this bird, it can't spell.
A parrot squawks "I have seen what he does to those who draw his attention upon him. Flee you fool, if you should ever come upon the Blue Shaman of Dalpok, lest he learn your name and add it to his list." (2023-06-12 14:23) Who? I only concern me with the Cobalt blue Shaman of Raktam, the Manticore.
A parrot squawks "More tea Mrs Nesbit?" (2023-06-23 11:37) You would brew our leaves and desecrate our healing herbs like this? Why thank you, I will have more.
Rachnar says âfood” (2023-07-08 00:15) Oh my, she Speaks! Well then, I say, "Target!" Let's dance.
A parrot squawks "That Christina Rose be a cunnin' lass" (2023-07-16 16:47) Sounds like this parrot shrimpsterer got friendzoned, lol.
GeneGeneTheDancingMachine says “Nuh munnuh shuringingshur ing thi Shurrar Hum, ar thirar?” with a slight accent. (2023-09-02 00:22) Should I be insulted?
GeneGeneTheDancingMachine says “Hum ing ar barkareth 'ething lunorringger'? ” with a slight accent. (2023-09-02 00:23) At least he's one of the peaceful ones.
You have been invited to join the clan "Trip The Light Fantastic" by GeneGeneTheDancingMachine. If you accept, your clan will be changed immediately, or you could ignore the invitation and nothing will change. Accept invitation (2023-09-02 21:49) This may play hell with my natural killing inclinations, but who knows, we see.
Stuck in the ground is a makeshift sign written in a strange language. It reads “4 8 15 16 23 42”. Yes yes yes, we Get the 'LOST' reference, now knock it off, destroy all these signs wherever seen.
You hear Spook Marston let out a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2023-12-13 09:06) Oh nice, Shartak DOES Have TaLeNt!
The ghostly voice of Spook Marston says “Lunorr uh Cumunger ing thi duthinuhyun. "Baring ingorr".” with a slight accent. "Lunar?uh, oh yuck!, in the, Doof...?- uh" translation anyone? Don't think I'm baring any ingor, but whatever.
Santa says, "You've been somewhat good this year!" Santa has No idea, I was Supposed to be Bad this alt.
Santa says, "Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas! Here are some poison darts and some gold coins. Good hunting and if you can't hunt, go buy something from your trader instead!" Maybe I'll hunt elves.
Santa gives you 20 gold coins and 20 poison darts. Let's begin.
praeliator has mentioned you in their profile. (2023-12-25 17:49) Oh bothers, now what.
"Chromemagnum .. Chromey, attacking without provocation doesn't make anything even. In fact balance will be restored." We'll see, let me know when you regain your balance.
Aaron The Moor has mentioned you in their profile. (2023-12-27 02:58) And he says: "Chromemagnum Well played. Had I caught you sleeping I would have done much the same. Can't really fault you for your evilness, as I dabble in that area myself. It won't be so easy next time. I'll sleep with one eye open from now on. See you soon." Well played indeed, this villainy goes down like a stout malt, it got the job done.
The ghostly voice of Aaron The Moor says “You didn't run very far, Chrome. Unwise.” (2023-12-27 02:59) Unwisdom is my hallmark.
The ghostly voice of Aaron The Moor says “I feel like singing. Try this on for size...” (2023-12-27 03:00) It's got notes of Ice Fish, with influences by Cher, but it's still a bit pitchy, dog.
GeezerHendrix attacks you with a machete for 3 damage. You die. (2024-02-04 17:53) Ah, a new face, welcome to the madness.
Scaramouche collects the head of Chromemagnum. (2024-02-08 02:58) We shall have to do the fandango sometime.
The Elephant Puncher attacks you with a punch for 2 damage. (2024-03-12 00:46) What the, but youi're peaceful.
The Elephant Puncher says “Oops. I meant to punch the monkey. Couldn't tell you apart for a moment there.” (2024-03-12 00:47) I'm a 7 - 8 ft tall plant monster, talk to your optometrist.
A silverback bites you for 3 damage. (2024-03-12 11:35) Oh now You wanna start in?
You hear Spook Marston let out a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2024-03-31 10:13) Mr AfterTheFact trying for petty revengeances.
The ghostly voice of Spook Marston whispers “Bye Cuome-fag-nun.” with a slight accent. (2024-03-31 10:14) Good one, should we see if the feedback link works for ya?
Three Wise Monkeys scratches something onto a crudely made sign. (2024-05-10 01:43) And it says: "4 15 16 23 42."
Three Wise Monkeys collects the head of Chromemagnum. (2024-05-10 01:43) Nice to Finally KnOw who the LOST Numbers guy is, isn't hit? Worth the Spare skull to Find out.
Spook Marston has mentioned you in their profile. (2024-05-17 05:00) Yey, I got a Mentions!
Spook Marston has removed you from their profile. (2024-05-17 05:02) Awh dangit, well I'll get back to ya next time I'm in Durrr Ham.
Yves Montand has mentioned you in their profile. (2024-05-25 22:29) Back atcha Yvette, wazzap. "Chromemagnum Nuh munnuh shuringingshur ing thi Shurrar Hum, ar thirar? -- that means i'm a HOMO-SEXUAL!!!!!" Oh, well, okay? Congrats? Really don't mean $#!+ to me. I ain't here for a date, lol. You do be you tho.You feel an unknown force take control of your body. You say “Be at piece? #1, don't tell me what to do BITCH.” (2024-06-08 17:15) Yvette Moontanned's got some anger issues.
You feel an unknown force take control of your body. You say “You have to understand little man, I'm better than you R. Now go write another 70 thousand bizarre lines of crap nobody can understand on you various profiles. u friggin personality stunted head case.” (2024-06-08 17:24) If you'd notice the bizarre lines of crap are for the most part contributions to the experience from gamers like you.
You have been invited to join the clan "Aaron The Moor likes men." by Yves Montand. If you accept, your clan will be changed immediately, or you could ignore the invitation and nothing will change. Accept invitation (2024-06-08 17:26) I'd encourage Aaron to feedback that move as the online harassment that it is.
snail starts acting very strangely. (2024-06-08 17:37)
snail says “Haven't been taking your Ritalin, there pumpkin?” with a slight accent. (2024-06-08 17:37) I', just glad ol snailtrail's still around, we are not nearly done warring it seems, he needs the resolution.
The ghostly voice of (famous homo who can't spell calamity. And it's "their ears". Did you fail third grade english?) Chromemagnum says �You should probably apologize to Derby for the calumnity you're bringing down around there ears, or you can stay out of Wiksik.” with a slight accent. (2024-06-09 15:28) 1. Calumnity's a word, I should know, I read comics. 2. Ya really gotta tone it down with those ad hominem attacks, it's a game, there's no need to rage away and gaybash. We can accept you for who you are, when you're ready. So there, their, the air, so sue me I ain't had my coffee yet.
You hear snail whisper “hiya” with a slight accent. (2024-06-29 05:30) Ah, the mollusk.
You hear snail whisper “Quit f-cking with the bar, sugar britches.” with a slight accent. (2024-06-29 05:31) But you keep making it so fun to.
snail attacks you with a cutlass for 1 damage. (2024-06-29 05:31) And it looks like you catch more than pitch hitting like that.
Big Sexy Jim fires at you with a rifle for 5 damage. You die. (2024-06-29 05:35) Where would the snail be without his bigger thinking head?
Big Sexy Jim says “Are you okay Chomemagnum? Do you need some ointment?” with a slight accent. (2024-06-29 05:43) War On Derby is rewarding my need for conflict. Still, you all should remember, you did start this.
The ghostly voice of snail whispers “....” with a slight accent. (2024-07-01 04:12) Ya like that? You and Jimbo both in one day.
Chromemagnum starts acting very strangely. (2024-07-01 04:15) And yet you two still depend on eachother.
You carve I'm Chromemagnun! I wish I was a girl! onto the wall. (2024-07-01 04:15) I'm, yes, and you what?
You hear Big Sexy Jim whisper “But honey, you are a girl!” with a slight accent. (2024-07-01 04:16) Awh, snails, Big Jim likes ya just fine no matter who ya are.
Carved on the wall is some writing in a strange language. It reads “My friend Joshua Taylor doesn't like being knifed. He just don't like it.” He should not dish out whatever he cannot take.
Last Laugh gives you 1 gold coin. (2024-07-07 16:25)
Last Laugh says “Sooooooo this towns still here. Coool cool.” with a slight accent. (2024-07-07 16:45) Yeah, town is okay, but some people need to go.
Last Laugh points to writing, “Pervy derbies? What’s that about?” (2024-07-07 16:47) The people in this town that need to go, they want the real men on the island to be girls.
L. Ron Hubbard says “Hello gentlemen!” with a slight accent. (2024-07-08 02:59) Here comes scientology.
You hear L. Ron Hubbard whisper “hmmm....” with a slight accent. (2024-07-08 03:00) Oh no now what.
L. Ron Hubbard says “Ewww. Sorry. There was a bug on your head. But I got it!” with a slight accent. (2024-07-08 03:03) Very helpful he pistolwhips it off my brow.
L. Ron Hubbard carves something onto the wall. (2024-07-08 03:06) Again, about joshua, he lived by the sword,
L. Ron Hubbard says “Laugh, how is Botheringham's cricket team looking this year? Top notch I'll wager!” with a slight accent. (2024-07-08 03:11) That gaudy pink purplepastel nightmare hut?
Last Laugh frowns at chromemagnum’s corpse, “is he going to be alright?” (2024-07-08 08:58) In about 50 ap.
Last Laugh says “I’ll be honest with you Mr. Hubbard I’m in a poor spirit. I was trying to talk to this young man but he’s clearly gone to sleep. ” with a slight accent. (2024-07-08 09:00) Haaa yeah don't mind me...
Last Laugh shrugs, “you know I try to be entertaining. Try to bring people joy and fun times!” He lets out a sigh. (2024-07-08 09:02) Knew I shoulda, said hi, seeing you back again.
Last Laugh says “Im just putting people to sleep. I’ve gotten stale. I need to reinvent my image Mr. Hubbard.” with a slight accent. (2024-07-08 09:03) Great to have ya back, Iceman.
Big Sexy Jim says “I gave this guy a beatdown! And without a heavy sword. When they do the movie, I want Mel Gibson 2 play me! I don't care he's donkey's old. That guy's easy on the eyes!” with a slight accent. (2024-07-14 05:11) I see Jim as more a Will Farrell type, loud and mediocre.
Big Sexy Jim says “Who'll play Chromemagnum? I don't know. Somebody gay lookin'.” with a slight accent. (2024-07-14 05:13) Duuude seriously what is it with your gayfatuation? Gaygaygay, that's all I read offa you.
Big Sexy Jim has mentioned you in their profile. (2024-07-14 05:19) Do we dare look? Ah sure, why not. "I've killed Chromemagnum 126 times. He's dumb-lookin', fat, and has a lisp." I think we got Jim figured out now, he's a teenage boy still coming to terms with who and how he is.
You hear Big Sexy Jim whisper “I'm too sexy for Milan. Mailan New York and Japan! Hiuh!!!!” with a slight accent. (2024-07-15 15:20) Where tf is Mailan?
Big Sexy Jim carves something onto the wall. (2024-07-15 15:26) Hiuh! Hahaha.
Big Sexy Jim says “Your stats are shit thanks 2 me, pretty boy.” with a slight accent. (2024-07-15 15:29) Stats are for nerds.
Big Sexy Jim scratches out what was carved on the wall. (2024-07-15 15:52) Broke a nail doing that too, lol.
Big Sexy Jim carves something onto the wall. (2024-07-15 15:52) Edge of my seat here for my faithful scribe here.
Big Sexy Jim says “Listen you fat Asa Butterfield prick, you started this. Derby seems peaceful and defenseless for jugalos like you, but it ain't. What, did York kick your ass already? ” with a slight accent. (2024-07-15 16:06) Nah, York could be next.
Big Sexy Jim scratches out what was carved on the wall. (2024-07-15 16:16) Now correct me if I'm wrong but
Big Sexy Jim carves something onto the wall. (2024-07-15 16:16) is Jim asking me to stop warring on Derby?
snail says “Tried a double dip? Yeah, I got a beef wid' u now English. You ain't seen the likes of me. ” with a slight accent. (2024-07-25 20:48) Au contraire, I see you in every durpy millenial or less, blaring your ineptitude with every Bruh out your Duh hole.
snail has mentioned you in their profile. (2024-07-25 20:59) Oh this should be good. "Chromemagnum, this wet brain with a lot of rain man dog doodoo wrote on his profile (time for wapner!) tried to kilt me twiced! Stay away rain man. Tom Cruise ain't her to help u." And this is why I gotta keep at it.
The ghostly voice of Rick Durwood whispers “Soon to end. Bitch.” (2024-08-20 00:01) Yeah maybe in a few more weeks, til then keep on keeping me around and you'll never get Derby back. Also put that one back in your secret alts stash til it comes time to rescue your main again, lol, exploiter.
Dick Deadeye has forgiven you for killing them. (2024-09-08 15:27) You're a real straight gent gamer, DD, looking forward to seeing you again.

Future!: Follow the roads to towns, root about for Heavy Swords, study vegan cannibalism, under the ground communing with the fungus protecting them from the vermin, field trip more cities, back in Wiksik to slaughter the abhorrent UnLivingDead, killing killers who klaim to only kill killers as well as that's never made much sense but is fun.


IC/OOC: Pronounces name Shrow-Meemah-Nyum, Definitely alignment EVIL, though does still have manners and considerations, could never fully rpg a complete wipehole believably, I kill my killers or try to and fail numerous times but cannot seem to ever just give that the f up, you can cry about me but please don't lie about me.

They carry 1 plain wooden cup, 1 rabbit foot charm, 1 pocket watch, 1 skull staff, 1 parrot feather charm, 1 skull, 1 pair of gold hoop earrings, 1 tricorn hat, 1 cat-o-nine tails, 1 silver skull cross, 1 tiger tooth amulet and 1 harpoon.

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Achievements:(10 total)
Shartak Probie Large stag Hunter - Bronze Wild boar Hunter - Bronze Parrot Hunter - Bronze Bat Hunter - Bronze
Areas explored: 2054 (56.6% of island)
HP Healed: 81
Trading Points: 154
Spirits Exorcised: 0 (not a shaman)
Wailing Damage: 108
Ritual Feasts: 0 (not a cannibal)
Mentioned in 0 profile

The following extended statistics are since 1st Jan 2011.

Alcohol Brewed: 0
Alcohol Drunk: 19
Heads Collected: 35
Fruit Juiced: 0
Successful Possessions: 39
Tracks Found: 41
Fires Started: 0
Fires Extinguished: 0
Items Buried: 12
Items Found: 688
Jungle Chopped: 280
Parrots Tamed: 0 (not a pirate)
Monkeys Tamed: 0 (not a pirate)
Signposts Built: 17
Signposts Smashed: 9
Treasures Found: 0 (added 2014-07-14)

NPC kills: 553; last kill: bat
 Animals: 550
 Shamans: 0
 Traders: 3
Natives killed: 9; last kill: Wendy Torrance
 Raktam: 1
 Dalpok: 2
 Wiksik: 0
 Rakmogak: 6
Outsiders killed: 22; last kill: Junpei
 Derby: 13
 Durham: 5
 York: 1
 Shipwreck: 3
NPC kills (detailed):
large stag79
zombified bat49
wild boar48
large deer39
small deer35
zombified monkey21
zombified parrot18
zombified large stag18
zombified large deer7
zombified wild boar6
zombified turtle3
guard dog3
zombified small deer2
zombified tiger2
ferocious tiger2
zombified guard dog1
giant spider1
zombified silverback1
Trader Tamdal1
Trader Sam1
Trader Dick1

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