You see the famous Yves Montand!
The French pin in the grenade that will blow Shartak Island to pieces. Come visit The Hanged Misfit! How the champagne will flow.
Wicked Rowan chants, focusing negative energies at the spirit. And as usual, can't do shit. (2024-10-24 16:52)
The ghostly voice of (famous homo who can't spell calamity. And it's "their ears". Did you fail third grade english?)
Chromemagnum says âœYou should probably apologize to Derby for the calumnity you're bringing down around there ears, or you can stay out of Wiksik.†with a slight accent. (2024-06-09 15:28)
I love Wiksik! What a town! I'm on my way there now! The garden spot of Shartak! Oh, and bite me.
Chromemagnum Nuh munnuh shuringingshur ing thi Shurrar Hum, ar thirar? -- that means i'm a HOMO-SEXUAL!!!!!
Trader Oz, stop in for a drink in the MISFIT if you get a chance. Then maybe visit the monkey!
Aaron The Moor, you're killing your own people. I never realized Moors were great big sissies. Thanks for unearthing that historical fact for me.
Scaramouche, that LGBT plus whatever
Helena Handbasket attacked me down to 1. :) And I get it. You have to eat. Crêpes Suzettes don't grow on trees. Helena, I'm gonna tear your nuts off & throw them in a tree.
anaalipunktio, you remind me of my little niece Shirley! She is a dietitian. You could not be cuter!
frest is a homer-sexual!
Helena Handbasket says “You stay on that end of the bar, Yves. I haven't forgotten you.†(2023-12-04 23:29)
Helena, you haven't forgotten what I have in my britches!
isaac99764 carries 1 pink-and-purple scarf, 1 rabbit foot charm, 1 wild boar tusk necklace, 1 skull staff, 1 pair of batwing earrings, 2 parrot feather charms, 1 pith helmet, 1 monkey claw charm, 12 skulls, 1 silver skull cross, 1 tiger tooth amulet, 1 glowing crystal pendant, and a pink android phone full of pictures of naked fat guys.
Here is one of the few "springs of life" on the island.
Stuck in the ground is a makeshift sign. At the bottom is a ghastly jack o'lantern. The sign reads "
Mister Lahey is a homosexual."
Swamp Thing -- Thanks for the heals, my izzle.