Barn Cat

Avatar for Barn Cat

Home: the shipwreck
Been on the island since 2024-11-13
Died: 48 times (last time was 2025-03-28 12:43)
Level: 20
Class: Pirate (outsider)
Primary Clan: Shartak Deforestation Movement


You see everything special. Travelling Trader, no, really. I retired, BoTh Times, Too early. Trying to keep it to the Haitied side. My Alt's got the Dominican. Now hurry up and Friendo me already: Especially if we Were ever Really friends, LoL! Otherwise...

Shown here is a motion sculpture of bones and planks operated from within by vines and the ship's cat. The damn thing's even added weapons to every appendage, and I mean every appendage. Whale oil lamps light it's eyes at night. Nobody's fooled by it's vaguely non/human appearance. It's also filled up inside with looted goods.

As a part of the deforestation, or manscaping, of Shartak, I will kick a tree's ass! I'll chop one 10 or ten 1s if they look at me wrong. Big box colonialism. Someone teach me fire, the island needs a fever. I use my Parrot to communicate and a Monkey for manual dexterity. Real characters are built. Part Barn / Part Cat / All Chaotic / All Neutral.

The Chopping List!: Plunder Treasures, assure Fair Trade Market Values at ultimate Pricepoint,

Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I've tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To know that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice.

Monkey's name is Snicklefritz, he's a Burger-Eating Howler Monkey with a Battle Rating of 5.4.! Unleash your own Food-Eating Battle Monkey. I'll have a Re-Pete on my shoulder too!

They carry 1 pith helmet, 2 rabbit foot charms, 1 skull staff, 1 pair of batwing earrings, 2 parrot feather charms, 1 wild boar tusk necklace, 3 tiger tooth amulets, 1 Club Palermo pint glass, 3 silver skull crosses, 1 tricorn hat, 1 pocket watch, 1 plain wooden cup, 2 monkey claw charms, 1 pink-and-purple scarf and 3 cat-o-nine tails.

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Achievements:(2 total)
Shartak Probie Bat Hunter - Bronze
Areas explored: 1433 (39.5% of island)
HP Healed: 0
Trading Points: 289
Spirits Exorcised: 0 (not a shaman)
Wailing Damage: 0
Ritual Feasts: 0 (not a cannibal)
Mentioned in 0 profile

The following extended statistics are since 1st Jan 2011.

Alcohol Brewed: 0
Alcohol Drunk: 23
Heads Collected: 0
Fruit Juiced: 0
Successful Possessions: 0
Tracks Found: 0
Fires Started: 0
Fires Extinguished: 0
Items Buried: 1
Items Found: 122
Jungle Chopped: 612
Parrots Tamed: 13
Monkeys Tamed: 11
Signposts Built: 2
Signposts Smashed: 0
Treasures Found: 7 (added 2014-07-14)

NPC kills: 160; last kill: large stag
 Animals: 157
 Shamans: 0
 Traders: 3
Natives killed: 1; last kill: Andramelech
 Raktam: 0
 Dalpok: 0
 Wiksik: 0
 Rakmogak: 1
Outsiders killed: 2; last kill: TheDreadThespian burt reynolds
 Derby: 0
 Durham: 1
 York: 0
 Shipwreck: 1
NPC kills (detailed):
zombified bat16
large stag16
large deer12
zombified guard dog11
small deer10
zombified werewolf7
wild boar6
zombified wild boar3
zombified monkey2
zombified elephant1
ferocious tiger1
zombified large stag1
Trader Sam1
Trader Tom1
zombified parrot1
Trader Harry1
zombified large deer1
guard dog1

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