Wendy Torrance

Avatar for Wendy Torrance

Home: Rakmogak
Been on the island since 2017-03-14
Died: 83 times (last time was 2024-07-03 04:20 at the hands of Spook Marston, killed by a spirit)
Level: 35
Class: Cannibal (native)
Primary Clan: Feeding Frenzy
Secondary Clans: Shartak Insane Asylum and Clear Cutters United
Underworld: https://underworld.shartak.com/?id=25129
Deadzone: http://shartak.aphlor.org/deadzone/view/25129


Don't let the tears distract you. She'll dent your brain pan with that bat of hers. As for the cannibalism... Jack probably shouldn't have told her that Donner Party story.

Winnifred "Wendy" Torrance was a weak, frail, and maltreated housewife to an abusive alcoholic and mother to a weird child that would speak in a silly voice while flexing his index finger. That is, until the day she was struck in the head with a wine bottle during a heated argument with her inebriated spouse. Something terrible happened in that moment. Something powerful and dormant awakened. Her inner CANNIBAL was unleashed! Brandishing a large kitchen knife, Wendy bolted out the front door and ran screaming into the night. Her concussion left untreated, Wendy's fragile mind turned in on itself, rendering her quite mad.

When questioned by the authorities about the incident, the husband had no comment. Wendy's current whereabouts are unknown. There are rumors of recent sightings near Durham but these are unconfirmed.

They carry a bloody kitchen knife, a child's baseball bat, and a bottle of salty water. She has been observed talking to the bottle as if it were a person, nodding and whispering to it. Most disturbing.

They carry 1 skull.

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Areas explored: 1712 (47.2% of island)
HP Healed: 1031
Trading Points: 283
Spirits Exorcised: 0 (not a shaman)
Wailing Damage: 1497
Ritual Feasts: 353 (353 own kills)
Mentioned in 0 profile

This user does not have extended statistics enabled.

NPC kills: 89; last kill: Trader Tamdal
 Animals: 88
 Shamans: 0
 Traders: 1
Natives killed: 30; last kill: Cyclepathick
 Raktam: 7
 Dalpok: 8
 Wiksik: 8
 Rakmogak: 7
Outsiders killed: 86; last kill: Spook Marston
 Derby: 11
 Durham: 38
 York: 17
 Shipwreck: 20
NPC kills (detailed):
zombified parrot28
zombified monkey26
zombified guard dog4
Easter Bunny3
zombified elephant3
small deer1
guard dog1
large stag1
zombified rhino1
zombified wild boar1
zombified tiger1
giant spider1
zombified werewolf1
Trader Tamdal1
large deer1

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