

Home: York
Been on the island since 2006-03-11
Died: 109 times (last time was 2024-10-21 04:19 at the hands of Outter, killed by a heavy sword)
Level: 39
Class: Soldier (outsider)
Primary Clan: Botheringham FC Supporters' Club
Secondary Clan: Pwotters
Underworld: https://underworld.shartak.com/?id=1247
Deadzone: http://shartak.aphlor.org/deadzone/view/1247


A thin, hardbitten private soldier in a threadbare uniform (patched here and there with furs and skins) and a pink-and-purple scarf. He has a wild look in his eye, and appears to be half savage.

All Outsider kills are revenge (Durham PKers 2022). All Native kills are cannibals (and most date back to the early days of cannibalism, when raids were more common). Except Outter. He started it though.

Slayer of [profile]Re-Pete[/profile]. [profile]npc-3294[/profile]

They carry 1 pink-and-purple scarf, 9 skulls, 1 silver skull cross, 1 tiger tooth amulet and 1 glowing crystal pendant.

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Achievements:(43 total)
Old One Bat Hunter - Gold Tiger Hunter - Silver Elephant Hunter - Silver Novice Healer
Areas explored: 3868 (106.6% of island)
HP Healed: 3014
Trading Points: 1344
Spirits Exorcised: 0 (not a shaman)
Wailing Damage: 1157
Ritual Feasts: 0 (not a cannibal)
Mentioned in 0 profile

The following extended statistics are since 1st Jan 2011.

Alcohol Brewed: 3
Alcohol Drunk: 129
Heads Collected: 0
Fruit Juiced: 27
Successful Possessions: 38
Tracks Found: 267
Fires Started: 4
Fires Extinguished: 2
Items Buried: 137
Items Found: 3543
Jungle Chopped: 1595
Parrots Tamed: 0 (not a pirate)
Monkeys Tamed: 0 (not a pirate)
Signposts Built: 52
Signposts Smashed: 11
Treasures Found: 3 (added 2014-07-14)

NPC kills: 2025; last kill: wild boar
 Animals: 2025
 Shamans: 0
 Traders: 0
Natives killed: 12; last kill: Outter
 Raktam: 0
 Dalpok: 0
 Wiksik: 3
 Rakmogak: 9
Outsiders killed: 11; last kill: Aaron The Moor
 Derby: 1
 Durham: 10
 York: 0
 Shipwreck: 0
NPC kills (detailed):
large stag216
wild boar179
large deer174
small deer163
zombified bat138
zombified parrot23
zombified tiger12
zombified monkey11
zombified large stag10
zombified turtle7
zombified werewolf6
Easter Bunny5
zombified wild boar5
guard dog4
zombified small deer3
giant spider3
zombified rhino2
ferocious tiger2
hungry alligator1
rogue elephant1
zombified alligator1
zombified elephant1
zombified rat1


This character has indicated they have peaceful intentions and would prefer not to be killed.

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