

Avatar for Miriam

Home: the shipwreck
Been on the island since 2006-08-20
Died: 300 times (last time was 2024-05-07 03:07 at the hands of Wendy Torrance, killed by a knife)
Level: 42
Class: Pirate (outsider)
Primary Clan: Team Tathers
Underworld: https://underworld.shartak.com/?id=5038
Deadzone: http://shartak.aphlor.org/deadzone/view/5038


You can see a tall woman with long chestnut colored hair. Her clothes are a bit tattered but you can see they have been made by a good tailor. She carries one cutlass and a big backpack, usually full of first aid devices. Why?
She used to kill many characters, but a few years ago she understood her mistakes. Now she is a well-known healer, she will heal anyone who needs help, doesn't matter if it is outsider or native.
Usually you can find her around crow's nest at the shipwreck, but she often travels through the island, discovering new paths.

They carry 1 pocket watch, 1 wild boar tusk necklace, 1 parrot feather charm, 1 pair of batwing earrings, 2 monkey claw charms, 2 pairs of gold hoop earrings, 1 tricorn hat, 2 silver skull crosses, 3 tiger tooth amulets and 1 glowing crystal pendant.

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Achievements:(50 total)
Old One Expert Healer Doomsday Victim Exploration 17 years old
Areas explored: 5164 (142.3% of island)
HP Healed: 32421
Trading Points: 12297
Spirits Exorcised: 0 (not a shaman)
Wailing Damage: 425
Ritual Feasts: 0 (not a cannibal)
Mentioned in 0 profile

The following extended statistics are since 1st Jan 2011.

Alcohol Brewed: 0
Alcohol Drunk: 41
Heads Collected: 0
Fruit Juiced: 1536
Successful Possessions: 0
Tracks Found: 290
Fires Started: 2
Fires Extinguished: 0
Items Buried: 9
Items Found: 11538
Jungle Chopped: 1395
Parrots Tamed: 8
Monkeys Tamed: 1
Signposts Built: 5
Signposts Smashed: 2
Treasures Found: 3 (added 2014-07-14)

NPC kills: 1560; last kill: giant spider
 Animals: 1559
 Shamans: 0
 Traders: 1
Natives killed: 9; last kill: Dart Shooter
 Raktam: 1
 Dalpok: 4
 Wiksik: 4
 Rakmogak: 0
Outsiders killed: 41; last kill: pirate eater
 Derby: 0
 Durham: 1
 York: 5
 Shipwreck: 35
NPC kills (detailed):
wild boar114
large stag104
small deer102
large deer100
giant spider87
zombified monkey50
zombified small deer8
zombified tiger6
zombified large deer6
zombified werewolf4
zombified bat4
zombified parrot3
zombified large stag3
guard dog3
zombified silverback1
ferocious tiger1
zombified elephant1
zombified rat1
Trader Sam1


This character has indicated they have peaceful intentions and would prefer not to be killed.

This character has been idle since 2024-05-09.

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