Abdul Alhazrad

Avatar for Abdul Alhazrad

Home: Dalpok
Been on the island since 2023-03-19
Died: 43 times (last time was 2025-02-07 12:29 at the hands of Quarrel, killed by an axe)
Level: 33
Class: Shaman (native)
Primary Clan: Cult of Cthulhu
Secondary Clans: Shartak Insane Asylum and The Cult of Hastur
Underworld: https://underworld.shartak.com/?id=27122
Deadzone: http://shartak.aphlor.org/deadzone/view/27122


Nor is it to be thought that man is either the oldest or the last of earth's masters, or that the common bulk of life and substances walks alone. The Old Ones were, the Old Ones are, and the Old Ones shall be. Not in the spaces we know, but between them. They walk serene and primal, undimensioned and to us unseen. Yog-Sothoth knows the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the key and guardian of the gate. Past, present, future, all are one in Yog-Sothoth. He knows where the Old Ones broke through of old, and where They shall break through again. He knows where They have trod earth's fields, and where They still tread them, and why no one can behold Them as They tread. By Their smell can men sometimes know Them near, but of Their semblance can no man know, saving only in the features of those They have begotten on mankind; and of those are there many sorts, differing in likeness from man's truest eidolon to that shape without sight or substance which is Them. They walk unseen and foul in lonely places where the Words have been spoken and the Rites howled through at their Seasons. The wind gibbers with Their voices, and the earth mutters with Their consciousness. They bend the forest and crush the city, yet may not forest or city behold the hand that smites. Kadath in the cold waste hath known Them, and what man knows Kadath? The ice desert of the South and the sunken isles of Ocean hold stones where Their seal is engraven, but who hath seen the deep frozen city or the sealed tower long garlanded with seaweed and barnacles? Great Cthulhu is Their cousin, yet can he spy Them only dimly. Iä! Shub-Niggurath! As a foulness shall ye know Them. Their hand is at your throats, yet ye see Them not; and Their habitation is even one with your guarded threshold. Yog-Sothoth is the key to the gate, whereby the spheres meet. Man rules now where They ruled once; They shall soon rule where man rules now. After summer is winter, and after winter summer. They wait patient and potent, for here shall They reign again.

They carry a large book with strange runes and symbols on its cover. The tome radiates a palpable aura of evil and seems to absorb both heat and light from the surrounding air. The bearer of the book seems immune to the effect.

Your invocation ritual is a success! You summon 1 spirit. You gain 2 XP.
Your exorcism ritual is a success! You cast 1 spirit away from here. You gain 5 XP.

They carry 1 silver skull cross and 1 monkey claw charm.

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Areas explored: 44 (1.2% of island)
HP Healed: 4020
Trading Points: 375
Spirits Exorcised: 229
Wailing Damage: 236
Ritual Feasts: 0 (not a cannibal)
Mentioned in 0 profile

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NPC kills: 0
 Animals: 0
 Shamans: 0
 Traders: 0
Natives killed: 0
 Raktam: 0
 Dalpok: 0
 Wiksik: 0
 Rakmogak: 0
Outsiders killed: 2; last kill: fenny bate
 Derby: 0
 Durham: 2
 York: 0
 Shipwreck: 0

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