Home: Derby
Been on the island since 2014-04-08
Died: 53 times (last time was 2015-06-12 20:29 at the hands of lemmy caution, killed by a rifle)
Level: 13
Class: Soldier (outsider)
Primary Clan: None chosen
Underworld: https://underworld.shartak.com/?id=24241
Deadzone: http://shartak.aphlor.org/deadzone/view/24241
Scourge comes from and resides in Derby he has commenced a xenophobic campaign against the foreign entities that reside in his town.
Scourge's primary focus is on the natives who farm the swamp or reside in town, it is clear to Scourge that whatever they farm must be important as they are not the only ones who congregate in this small area day in day out.
For Scourges crimes against the natives in this swamp area and town he is an outcast in Derby verbally abused and attacked by a group called The Misfits whom claim the town and swamp land as their territory and it is apparent only they are allowed to kill in this area as it is also apparent that when it comes to their bar only they may kill in such a place even though they state no killing in the bar - confused? Scourge is.
Scourge's goals are clear and will not change nor will his rules of killing natives in town or in the swamp as Scourge is not a hypocrite, no a hypocrite would be someone or group that has a rule in place and then changes such rules to suit themselves.
Injustice? Yes but one Scourge carries with a smile for the winds of change carry.
A quote from Ugly Mugly
Derby is for Derbians not for pieces of shit like you Whitty
A quote from Muffin
Ugly is right derby is not for pieces of crap like you
A quote from Woo Fong
I can't believe the way you two assholes keep letting the misfits kill you. Are you guys just retarded or what?
Actions dated 19.05.14
Anaalipunktio carves pieces off the body of Scourge and begins eating! (2014-05-19 11:08)
Anaalipunktio says âœEven tastes like shit.
anaalipunktio says “LIfe is not for assholes.†(2014-05-29 13:47)
Scourge starts acting very strangely. (2014-06-04 13:19)
You feel an unknown force take control of your body. You say “I realize today I am nothing but a griefer. I also realize that I am not being funny but am trying to make people leave the island with my stupid "York is for blah blah blah†(2014-06-04 13:19)
You feel an unknown force take control of your body. You say “I will keep this up until I get everyone off the island because I am selfish that way.†(2014-06-04 13:21)
You feel an unknown force take control of your body. You say “I don't care if my actions makes everyone else have no fun because I am out to please myself and no other.†(2014-06-04 13:22)
A spirit whispers “I love to crawl out of my flea infested dirt hole every few days to kill the same one or two people knowing I will die soon after. It's fun.†(2014-06-04 13:28)
You feel an unknown force take control of your body. You say “I love to crawl out of my flea infested dirt hole every few days to kill the same one or two people knowing I will die soon after. It's fun.†(2014-06-04 13:30)
A spirit whispers “Can someone translate that to the idiot. I just realized he can't speak native or hear a spirit.†(2014-06-04 13:30)
Swamp Thing says “Quit killing in the swamp, Scourge. Leave Misfit territory if you want to do that sort of thing.†(2014-06-04 16:11)
Derby Dummy says “You must really be bored going out of your way to look like a moron.†(2014-06-09 16:43)
Quote from Hipster Hitler; It is starting to be obvious that you are Sheen but I could be wrong right? :)
foxian is aheartless lowlevel scourge alt who is trying to make hisself king of the swamp square but is a level 4 jerkâ€
Achievements:(11 total)
Areas explored: 0 (0.0% of island)
HP Healed: 51
Trading Points: 5
Spirits Exorcised: 0 (not a shaman)
Wailing Damage: 0
Ritual Feasts: 0 (not a cannibal)
Mentioned in 0 profile
The following extended statistics are since 1st Jan 2011.
Alcohol Brewed: 0
Alcohol Drunk: 8
Heads Collected: 0
Fruit Juiced: 0
Successful Possessions: 0
Tracks Found: 0
Fires Started: 0
Fires Extinguished: 0
Items Buried: 0
Items Found: 121
Jungle Chopped: 0
Parrots Tamed: 0 (not a pirate)
Monkeys Tamed: 0 (not a pirate)
Signposts Built: 0
Signposts Smashed: 1
Treasures Found: 0 (added 2014-07-14)
NPC kills: 0
Animals: 0
Shamans: 0
Traders: 0
Natives killed: 42; last kill: zzoboja
Raktam: 9
Dalpok: 5
Wiksik: 11
Rakmogak: 17
Outsiders killed: 0
Derby: 0
Durham: 0
York: 0
Shipwreck: 0
Skills:Close quarter combat
- Gain 10% to hit with melee attacksAdvanced close quarter combat
- Gain 15% to hit with melee attacksBalanced Stance
- Sometimes turn a miss into a glancing blow.
Body building
- Increases melee damageStamina
- Increases max HP by 20
Ghostly whisper
- Allows spirits to communicateHaunting scream
- Attract other spirits and scare the living
Clan leadership
- Allows you to start your own clan or help lead one
Sixth sense
- Sense presence of and hear spiritsPsychic recognition
- Lets you recognise active spirits
- Be able to tell who is most injured
Firearms training
- Gain 20% on firearms attacksAdvanced firearms training
- Gain another 20% on firearms attacks
This character has been idle since 2015-06-06.
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