

Avatar for Malice

Home: Rakmogak
Been on the island since 2011-06-29
Died: 114 times (last time was 2023-05-29 03:35, killed by a wild boar)
Level: 31
Class: Cannibal (native)
Primary Clan: Nemesis
Secondary Clan: The Rakmogaki Collective


Malice is Shartak's arbitrator, it was born of the same volcano that birthed the island. It spent thousands of years slumbering deep within the caves of the island. Jungles and the wildlife began evolving on the surface, this in turn attracted man. At first they respected the balance of the island and one another, all was well. After sometime the humans became corrupt, fighting broke out amongst the natives, causing Malice to awaken. He slaughtered any man whom had evil in his heart. After the demise of the everyone who sought harm for Shartak, Malice returned to his once dormant state.

Now the hatred & bloodshed that fills the island has disturbed it's rest, unleashing Malice upon Shartak once again.

Despite his terrifying appearance, he can be quite gentle, often acting like a child. He seems to have a soft spot for pretty ladies.

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Achievements:(16 total)
Novice Healer 13 years old
Areas explored: 2300 (63.4% of island)
HP Healed: 1152
Trading Points: 287
Spirits Exorcised: 0 (not a shaman)
Wailing Damage: 440
Ritual Feasts: 299 (299 own kills)
Mentioned in 0 profile

The following extended statistics are since 1st Jan 2011.

Alcohol Brewed: 0
Alcohol Drunk: 17
Heads Collected: 39
Fruit Juiced: 981
Successful Possessions: 2
Tracks Found: 370
Fires Started: 2
Fires Extinguished: 0
Items Buried: 3
Items Found: 2066
Jungle Chopped: 196
Parrots Tamed: 0 (not a pirate)
Monkeys Tamed: 0 (not a pirate)
Signposts Built: 13
Signposts Smashed: 1
Treasures Found: 0 (added 2014-07-14)

NPC kills: 210; last kill: rat
 Animals: 210
 Shamans: 0
 Traders: 0
Natives killed: 37; last kill: Esrays
 Raktam: 14
 Dalpok: 2
 Wiksik: 15
 Rakmogak: 6
Outsiders killed: 68; last kill: woodrow guthrie
 Derby: 19
 Durham: 8
 York: 24
 Shipwreck: 16
 Raktam: 1
NPC kills (detailed):
wild boar13
large deer12
giant spider6
small deer3
guard dog3
large stag2
hungry alligator2
zombified silverback2
zombified large stag2
Easter Bunny1
zombified rhino1


This character has indicated they have peaceful intentions and would prefer not to be killed.

This character has been idle since 2023-05-26.

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