Home: the shipwreck
Been on the island since 2006-02-06
Died: 202 times (last time was 2024-02-06 00:35, killed by a tiger)
Level: 36
Class: Pirate (outsider)
Primary Clan: The Scurvy Crew of the Hell-born Strumpet
Underworld: https://underworld.shartak.com/?id=177
Deadzone: http://shartak.aphlor.org/deadzone/view/177
A tall and massive man - almost two meters tall, with muscles everywhere and a typical large belly (it must be the rum). But anyone thinking that his body is a reason to laugh at him is in deep trouble - usually his cutlass speaks faster than his mouth at situations like that.
His black hair flow freely from his head down to shoulders. Never wears any shirt, nor anything on his chest, except for the belt of the sheaths mounted on his back and a small silver pendant with a strange symbol written on it. Yet, miraculously, the mosquitoes and other insects never bite him. It seems that the recent raid on one of the villages has earned him a few new scars.
He carries three cutlasses with him - one by his side, and two across the back. Sometimes it happens that he talks to them, calling one on his back "Slasher" and the one by his side "Ripper". No one though has ever seen him use the third one, from his back in any battle. If asked about it he takes the pendant into his hand, squeezes it and whispers "Revenge is near... I feel it..."
He is a boatswain at the Hellborne Strumpet, and seems to get a lot of pleasure from yelling at everyone onboard. Also at nights you can see him sometimes sitting on the deck, looking in the sky, smoking a pipe - and singing... singing old songs for a lost soul travelling somewhere on this island...
Recently he dumped the head of Shrubar, because in this temperature and humidity it started to stink, attracting flies, mosquitoes, wasps, alligators and sharks during swimming (not that any of them would bother this guy)... He was collecting the left-hand thumbs of Dalpokkers killed in a raid, and twenty five of them were drying up on a piece of string tied to his belt...
Due to all the stench that the fingers caused he dumped them also, so now he is not collecting anything... maybe except for gold... and gems... and crystals... and alcohols... and weaponry... Damn it, he is collectig a lot of things, yet not in a murderous way, just a bit of trading here and there, and an ocassional slash through someone's back...
They carry 1 cat-o-nine tails, 9 skulls, 1 ornate staff and 1 pocket watch.
Achievements:(30 total)
Areas explored: 2399 (66.1% of island)
HP Healed: 681
Trading Points: 4325
Spirits Exorcised: 0 (not a shaman)
Wailing Damage: 44
Ritual Feasts: 0 (not a cannibal)
Mentioned in 0 profile
The following extended statistics are since 1st Jan 2011.
Alcohol Brewed: 0
Alcohol Drunk: 3
Heads Collected: 0
Fruit Juiced: 0
Successful Possessions: 0
Tracks Found: 1
Fires Started: 0
Fires Extinguished: 0
Items Buried: 2
Items Found: 9
Jungle Chopped: 4
Parrots Tamed: 0
Monkeys Tamed: 0
Signposts Built: 0
Signposts Smashed: 0
Treasures Found: 0 (added 2014-07-14)
NPC kills: 422; last kill: large stag
Animals: 421
Shamans: 1
Traders: 0
Natives killed: 101; last kill: Rok Rok Woogums
Raktam: 15
Dalpok: 57
Wiksik: 19
Rakmogak: 9
Outsiders killed: 10; last kill: Grugg
Derby: 1
Durham: 2
York: 5
Shipwreck: 2
NPC kills (detailed): |
Name | Kills |
monkey | 61 |
wild boar | 55 |
tiger | 49 |
parrot | 49 |
large stag | 49 |
large deer | 39 |
small deer | 38 |
elephant | 31 |
bat | 12 |
alligator | 8 |
turtle | 8 |
rat | 4 |
zombified werewolf | 3 |
bear | 2 |
zombified guard dog | 2 |
shargle | 2 |
guard dog | 2 |
zombified large deer | 1 |
ferocious tiger | 1 |
zombified large stag | 1 |
Easter Bunny | 1 |
zombified monkey | 1 |
rhino | 1 |
giant squid | 1 |
Shubar | 1 |
Skills:Basic language
- Understand the smaller words of foreign languagesAdvanced language
- Better understanding of foreign languagesExpert language
- Full comprehension of foreign languagesForeign Writing
- Not only can you understand foreign languages, you can also write it well enough to be understood
Foreign Speech
- Not only can you understand foreign languages, you can also speak it well enough to be understoodPirate speech
- You can talk to pirates in their own unique dialect
Close quarter combat
- Gain 10% to hit with melee attacksAdvanced close quarter combat
- Gain 15% to hit with melee attacksBalanced Stance
- Sometimes turn a miss into a glancing blow.
Body building
- Increases melee damageStamina
- Increases max HP by 20Lead Belly
- You've drunk enough to be immune to the poisonous effect of most fungi.
Ghostly whisper
- Allows spirits to communicateHaunting scream
- Attract other spirits and scare the livingShocking shriek
- Scare nearby living playersBanshee wail
- Frighten living players further away
- Be able to possess the bodies of the livingForceful possession
- Sometimes a stronger presence is needed to be able to possess the living
- Helps you remember some of the places you've beenCartography
- Stops you forgetting where you've visited
- Faster movement through the jungle
- Faster movement through water
Survival - Firecraft
- Knowledge of how to create, control and use fires
Basic tracking
- With some difficulty, you can track animals and peopleAdvanced tracking
- You can track animals and people who were here recentlyExpert tracking
- You can track animals and people who were here several days ago.Tracking mastery
- Tracking animals and people is nearly effortless
Clan leadership
- Allows you to start your own clan or help lead one
Sixth sense
- Sense presence of and hear spiritsPsychic recognition
- Lets you recognise active spirits
- Be able to obtain slightly better prices from some traders
- Can dig deep holes.
Native knowledge
- Outsiders gain basic native knowledge
- Be able to tell who is most injuredFirst aid
- Heal 10 HP with a first aid kit
Animal Trainer
- You can tame a parrot or monkey enough to keep you company as you roam the island.
This character has indicated they have peaceful intentions and would prefer not to be killed.
This character has been idle since 2024-04-07.
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