Clan Membership for Secret Society of Supervillains

Listed below are all members of the clan Secret Society of Supervillains.

Hannibal Lecter
Sam Bellamy (inactive)
OpiumJoe (inactive)
Admiral Benzoylmethylecgonine (inactive)
Captain Blacktooth (inactive)
Timothy Trust (inactive)
AmIDead (inactive)
pirate eater (inactive)
Vieux (inactive)
The Munch (inactive)
Fantaw (inactive)
Edward Theodore Gein (inactive)
Leatherface (inactive)
Leviathore (inactive)
Last Laugh (inactive)
Kali'na (inactive)
The Monarch (inactive)
Cletus (inactive)
Penis (inactive)
Clovis (inactive)
Thozwo (inactive)
Suzie (inactive)
Grey Beard (inactive)
Ol' Morriss (inactive)
DEATH TOUCH (inactive)
Sayaka Miki (inactive)
CharlieBoom (inactive)
FireDick Neil (inactive)
paul kirk (inactive)
killin' mcgee (inactive)
ThatGuySellingDVDs (inactive)
Woo Fong (inactive)
Zardoz (inactive)
Long John Thomas (inactive)
Iron Man Carmichael (inactive)
Cotton (inactive)
Chilly The Elf WhoCannotLove (inactive)
Squakz (inactive)
Sgt Nicholas Angel II (inactive)
Khroneus (inactive)
The Abominable Dr. Lenny (inactive)
Son of Mxy (inactive)
Colonel Ives (inactive)
John Batman (inactive)
The Bobo (inactive)
Mr. Eaten (inactive)
Old Mac Donald (inactive)
Freddie Mercury (inactive)
ghroth the harbinger (inactive)
the mothman (inactive)
the durham devil (inactive)
Pudge McCreedy (inactive)
Bob Tathers (inactive)

The membership list is only available to the founder or co-admin unless the founder has made the clan membership public, or to members only.

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