Clan : Dalpok Liberation Front


Are you sick of those filthy pale faced infidels (pirates and other outsiders) killing you and invading our lands?

The DLF is not a police force, but a defense force to ward off raiding parties and other murderous individuals.

We are now recruiting members and will pay 15 gc per month for every member of the DLF Defence Force, and 10 gc per month for every member of the DLF Shaman Core.

We will also need a Head of Defence and a Head Shaman with salaries of 50 and 30 gc per month respectively.

If Further details are required you can find me in game or check out the Shartak forum.

Restrictions are listed below:

Required classes: Warrior Villager Scout Shaman
Required homes: Dalpok, Wiksik, Raktam

Clan Leadership:
Cracker (Founder)

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