Advertising on Shartak is usually done by arranging it with us, or through Google Adsense. If you have specific requirements, you can contact us to discuss them in more detail.
There are a variety of banner sizes available including the following
The 120x600 images are shown more frequently and therefore use impressions faster, however the 300x250 and 125x125 adverts are shown to a wider ranger of players as not everyone views character profiles and news on a regular basis.
SPECIAL OFFER There is currently an offer available for Shartak related advertising, such as clans and in-game events, of limited advert impressions (displays) of any of the above sizes for free. This is a limited offer to promote Shartak activities and may be withdrawn at any time.
Banners submitted should be in one of the following file formats: PNG, JPG or GIF
Contact us for more information.