Tiger Claw

Tiger Claw

Avatar for Tiger Claw

Home: Raktam
Been on the island since 2007-05-01
Died: 58 times (last time was 2024-01-07 20:38 at the hands of Magnar, killed by a machete)
Level: 41
Class: Shaman (native)
Primary Clan: Elder Council Of Shartak
Underworld: https://underworld.shartak.com/?id=9714
Deadzone: http://shartak.aphlor.org/deadzone/view/9714


Tiger Claw is a dark-skinned native whose only attire is a loin cloth. His teeth are filed to points and his body is adorned with yellow and black stripes of body paint, ritual scars and bone piercings. Dilated pupils mark Tiger Claw as a shaman on a vision-quest induced by consumption of hallucinogenic mushrooms. He does not focus on those around him, he sees things that others cannot and he speaks to the spirits of the ancestors. The ancestors are unhappy that Shartak has been defiled by the outsiders and so Tiger Claw walks the path of the hunter. He has become an efficient butcher, skinning his prey alive so that the ancestors may dance to their screams and then consuming their hearts to absorb their power.

Tiger Claw brought the blessings of the ancestors to Blue Hummingbird, the Queen of Greater Raktam. He declined a Royal invite to become General of the Raktam expeditionary forces; as a shaman he serves the will of the ancestors first. The spirits commanded Tiger Claw to learn the language of the outsiders. He can now speak to his victims in their own tongue, usually to taunt them as they die.

Tiger Claw frequently falls into a death-like trance experiencing dark visions of things to come. At least one of those visions has come to pass... Rakmogak!!! He has also journeyed to the Sacred Mountain where the ancestors judged him worthy to act as their voice amongst the people of Shartak. And so his vision-quest is almost complete.

Outsider #100 - Serious Sam
Outsider #200 - Cobalternate
Outsider #300 - ???

They carry 1 rabbit foot charm, 22 skulls, 1 monkey claw charm, 8 tiger tooth amulets, 1 skull staff, 2 wild boar tusk necklaces, 1 parrot feather charm and 1 silver skull cross.

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Achievements:(28 total)
Old One Easter 2010 Novice Healer Kraken Slayer 17 years old
Areas explored: 2430 (67.0% of island)
HP Healed: 3418
Trading Points: 443
Spirits Exorcised: 106
Wailing Damage: 1368
Ritual Feasts: 0 (not a cannibal)
Mentioned in 0 profile

This user does not have extended statistics enabled.

NPC kills: 506; last kill: large deer
 Animals: 506
 Shamans: 0
 Traders: 0
Natives killed: 13; last kill: Ur-Zakunrun
 Raktam: 7
 Dalpok: 1
 Wiksik: 1
 Rakmogak: 4
Outsiders killed: 205; last kill: Buffalo
 Derby: 26
 Durham: 23
 York: 68
 Shipwreck: 88
NPC kills (detailed):
large deer81
small deer72
large stag69
wild boar62
giant spider4
zombified elephant2
Easter Bunny1
zombified large stag1
fully-grown giant squid1
zombified wild boar1
zombified werewolf1
aggressive wild boar1
ferocious tiger1


This character has been idle since 2024-01-24.

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