Clan : Federation de l'Est

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The successor to the Eastern Federation and the Peninsula Federation, Fédération de l'Est (The Eastern Federation in English)is the political union of Derby and Port Breton, a French enclave to the north of Derby. Led by Prince-President Hercule le Tof, the Federation builds upon the traditions of culture and tolerance of all people in the east of Shartak.

Fédération de l'Est has established a Federation War College and is presently mapping the roads in and about the east coast. Anyone seeking a role in Le Tof's ministry is welcome to either the Prince -Preisdent in La Citadelle or, as more commonly found, in The Hanged Misfit pub in Derby.

New citizens are entitled to either a first aid kit or gold, as part of the Federation's community service program.

Restrictions are listed below:

Required homes: Derby

Clan Leadership:
Hercule Le Tof (Founder)

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