The following BBCode tags are available for use in the Character description, Clan description and Clan news.
Tag | BBCode example | Output |
abbr | [abbr an abbreviation]abbr[/abbr] | abbr |
acronym | [acronym Shartak Broadcasting Inc]SBI[acronym] | SBI |
bold | [b]Bold[/b] | Bold |
br | Some[br]Text | Some Text |
code | [code]A block of code[/code] | A block of code |
color | [color=#ff0000]Red![/color] | Red! |
[email][/email] | | |
font | [font=Arial]Arial[/font] | Arial |
hr | [hr] | |
i | [i]Italic[/i] | Italic |
ol | [ol][li]item 1[/li][li]item 2[/li][/ol] |
profile | [profile]59[/profile] [profile]Simon[/profile] [profile]Unknown User[/profile] | Simon Simon [profile]Unknown User[/profile] If the user id or name specified between the tags is unrecognised, it will display the tags as entered. |
q | [q]In quotes[/q] | In quotes |
quote | [quote]Example quote[/quote] | Quote:
size | [size=+2]Bigger[/size] and [size=-2]Smaller[/size] | Bigger and Smaller |
sub | Sub[sub]script[/sub] | Subscript |
sup | Super[sup]script[/sup] | Superscript |
u | [u]Underline[/u] | Underline |
ul | [ul][li]an item[/li][li]another item[/li][/ul] |
url | [url][/url] [url]Shartak![/url] [url=",837.msg26498.html#msg26498"]Complicated forum link[/url] | Shartak! Complicated forum link |