Kissing Mantis

Kissing Mantis

Avatar for Kissing Mantis

Home: Dalpok
Been on the island since 2007-06-18
Died: 17 times (last time was 2008-02-26 18:09 at the hands of Boot Strap Bill)
Level: 30
Class: Scout (native)
Primary Clan: Open Arms


A lithe, dark-skinned native whose clothing consists of a minimal but intricate native dress. Her appearance and fighting style mimic the insect after which she is named. Kissing Mantis is a contemplative soul who prefers to spend her time in the jungle communing with plants and animals.

Although generally calm and peaceful (she acknowledges that some outsiders are non-violent) Kissing Mantis has chosen to walk the Crimson Path and strike back against those who would prey upon the natives of Dalpok. Kissing Mantis has made enemies as a consequence of taking up a machete to defend her home. Some of those enemies have unkindly alleged that Kissing Mantis beheads her lovers during coitus. These allegations are untrue. Unless her potential lover is very careful only the beheading occurs.

PIRATES - Expect no quarter unless you have zero native kills. Those who come to Dalpok seeking violence will find it.

OUTSIDERS - Only those who are peaceful are welcome in Dalpok. You may travel in safety if you are not a regular murderer of natives.

NATIVES - Those who murder their own are beneath contempt (but not revenge and justice). Focus your energies upon the outsiders who would murder friendly natives.


They carry 1 parrot feather charm, 1 rabbit foot charm, 1 silver skull cross and 1 tiger tooth amulet.

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Achievements:(25 total)
Old One Novice Healer Tiger Hunter - Bronze Elephant Hunter - Bronze Large deer Hunter - Bronze
Areas explored: 861 (23.7% of island)
HP Healed: 1083
Trading Points: 177
Spirits Exorcised: 0 (not a shaman)
Wailing Damage: 156
Ritual Feasts: 0 (not a cannibal)
Mentioned in 0 profile

This user does not have extended statistics enabled.

NPC kills: 207; last kill: elephant
 Animals: 207
 Shamans: 0
 Traders: 0
Natives killed: 1; last kill: Vulbis
 Raktam: 1
 Dalpok: 0
 Wiksik: 0
 Rakmogak: 0
Outsiders killed: 67; last kill: The Sid
 Derby: 1
 Durham: 3
 York: 10
 Shipwreck: 53
NPC kills (detailed):
wild boar39
small deer30
large deer29
large stag29
zombified werewolf1


This character has been idle since 2008-03-03.

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