Clan : The Adventurers Society

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Dedicated to danger, discovery, treasure, and culture.


The Adventurers Society is exactly as it sounds; An organization that has been created for those that like to traverse the wilder of Shartak's locations, and face the many challenges the island holds.

Founded by the traveling greenhorn, Honey de Lune, there are many strange tales that he had come across while running the shortly lived bar, The Sour Apple. The young man hopes to chronicle the adventures that are sure to spring up the more he travels around.
A few guidelines for prospective members:

Always carry plenty of medicine, as the jungle is harsh.

Help out fellow adventurers, whether they are in the organization or not.

Keep track of talk in pubs, bars, or medical huts of treasures or strange creatures.

Share your experiences as loudly as possible, and with emphasis on dramatic details. Being grim about it isn't too bad, either.

Outsiders and natives alike can explore together. There will be no in-fighting.

Honey hopes to meet the King of Wiksik formally, find the cause of the mechanical wonders in the Hanged Misfit, and also find the mythical lake-monster, Oka-Paranga-Ponoko.

The quest has begun, and soon a clubhouse should be started in a yet undisclosed location.

Restrictions are listed below:

There are no restrictions.

Clan Leadership:
Honey de Lune (Founder)

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