Clan : The Octavius Popebury Memorial Expedition

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The Octavius Popebury Memorial Expedition of 1886 was one of the last great acts of the Age of Exploration and inspired over thirty moving pictures and several hundred monographs. It has become a byword for bravery, sexism, patriotism, blind stupidity, casual racism, communism, facism and bloody minded stubborness. For their sterling work in civilising the natives and suppressing the lower orders, every gentleman involved was posthumously inducted into the Ancient Royal Order of Jolly Good Eggs. This award is only given to those who have exceled in their work on behalf of monarch, class and country. Over thirteen hundred monuments have been erected in their memory in their homeland. Every May 16th, the small town of Berswickbottom celebrates Octavius Popebury Day and a parade is traditionally organised to commemorate these upstanding examples of manhood.

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Clan Leadership:
Sir Tuppenny (Founder)
Lord Twerpington (Founder)
Lord Dogberry (Founder)

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